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Prime Trade App

BNR Prime Trade - Designed with client feedback for a fast, reliable, and seamless trading experience across all Indian market segments. Enjoy quick trade entry and exit, intuitive navigation, and advanced charting with historical data.

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Place buy/sell orders for stocks, bonds, and other assets at any time, round the clock, so you never miss an opportunity in the fast-paced world of finance.
Over 40,000 satisfied clients trust us to tailor their investment strategies to meet their unique goals and needs.
Trade faster and smarter with cutting-edge algorithmic trading technology—customized strategies designed as per the client requirement.
Enhanced pattern recognition tools with detailed drawings, indicators, and technical signals.
Enjoy competitive pricing for all traders. Contact us for further details!
Simplify your investing and get access to eight diverse platforms by submitting your documents only once.
Secure your data with our 2-factor authentication and encrypted trading.
Benefit from market calls and dedicated assistance, ensuring you make informed decisions with confidence.
Our customizable trading platforms let you manage your account and trade from your desktop, tablet or mobile phone.
Leveraging four decades of market expertise to guide your investment journey with confidence.

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Registered Office

B.N.Rathi Securities Ltd.
CIN :L65993TG1985PLC005838

6-3-652, 4th Floor, Kautilya, Amrutha Estates, Somajiguda, Hyderabad - 500 082

Investor Alert
1) KYC is one time exercise while dealing in securities markets - once KYC is done through a SEBI registered intermediary (Broker, DP, Mutual Fund etc.), you need not undergo the same process again when you approach another intermediary. 2) For Stock Broking Transaction 'Prevent unauthorised transactions in your account --> Update your mobile numbers/email IDs with your stock brokers. Receive information of your transactions directly from Exchange on your mobile/email at the end of the day...Issued in the interest of Investors. 3) For Depository Transaction 'Prevent Unauthorized Transactions in your demat account --> Update your Mobile Number with your Depository Participant. Receive alerts on your Registered Mobile for all debit and other important transactions in your demat account directly from CDSL/NSDL on the same day...Issued in the interest of investors. 4) No need to issue cheques by investors while subscribing to IPO. Just write the bank account number and sign in the application form to authorise your bank to make payment in case of allotment. No worries for refund as the money remains in investor's account. 5) Investors should be cautious on unsolicited emails and SMS advising to buy, sell or hold securities and trade only on the basis of informed decision. Investors are advised to invest after conducting appropriate analysis of respective companies and not to blindly follow unfounded rumours, tips etc. Further, you are also requested to share your knowledge or evidence of systemic wrongdoing, potential frauds or unethical behaviour through the anonymous portal facility provided on BSE & NSE website. 6) This is to inform that we B N Rathi securities Ltd not required to have a Business Continuity/DR plan under the existing regulatory provisions. 7) Stock Brokers can accept securities as margin from clients only by way of pledge in the depository system w.e.f. September 01, 2020. 8) Check your securities / MF / bonds in the consolidated account statement issued by NSDL/CDSL every month.

Prevent Unauthorised transactions in your Trading/Demat Account. Update your mobile numbers/email IDs with your stock brokers/DP. Receive information of your transactions directly from Exchanges/Depositories on your mobile/email at the end of the day. No need to issue cheques by investors while subscribing to IPO. Just write the bank account number and sign in the application form to authorise your bank to make payment in case of allotment. No worries for refund as the money remains in investor's account......Issued in the interest of investors. SEBI Circular - Investor Grievance Redress Mechanism - New Policy Measures. Kindly refer at Policies.

KYC is one time exercise while dealing in securities markets - once KYC is done through a SEBI registered intermediary (broker, DP, Mutual Fund etc.), you need not undergo the same process again when you approach another intermediary.

No need to issue cheques by investors while subscribing to IPO. Just write the bank account number and sign in the application form to authorise your bank to make payment in case of allotment. No worries for refund as the money remains in investor's account

REGISTRATION NOS: SEBI Registration No: INZ000160834 (BSE-3233 | NSE-07141| MCX-56475) CDSL : SEBI Regn No. IN-DP-612-2021. AMFI-Registered Mutual Fund Distributor: B.N.Rathi Securities Ltd - ARN-77516: (B.N.Rathi is just acting as distributor. All disputes with respect to the distribution activity, would not have access to Exchange investor redressal forum or Arbitration mechanism.) CIN: L65993TG1985PLC005838
In case of member having a website, member has created awareness amongst clients / investors with regard to procedure of pledge/ re-pledge of securities and displayed the guidelines on the homepage of their respective websites at a prominent place as required in Exchange circular ref no. NSE/INSP/45565 dated Sep 02,2020 Trading members had displayed the set of standard documents/policies on their own website for information.

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